About this course

  • Could you improve your health through your diet?

    Complete detailed questionnaires to discover what nutrients you need. Discover your Body Type and what it means for your lifestyle.

  • Do you eat when you are physically hungry or eat when you are emotional?

    Learn how to return to a state of natural hunger and overcome diet and food issues. Finally make friends with food.

  • How is your diet contributing to your symptoms?

    Find out how nutrition helps common diseases. Understand how your gut health is effecting you and discover not only what to eat but the best time of day to eat it!

  • This course takes approximately 64 hours (including homework) to complete

    A certificate is issued on completion.

Course Includes:

  • How our amazing bodies digest food

  • Macro and micro nutrients we need in our diet

  • Specific nutritional needs for mental health and different stages of life

  • Why we eat when we aren't hungry and how to break out of it

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • About your tutor

    • About this course

    • We are what we eat!

    • Home study Section 1

  • 2

    Anatomy of Digestion

    • The Digestive System

    • The Six Stages of Nutrition

    • Disorders of the Digestive System

    • Home study Section 2

  • 3

    Nutrients for Health

    • Essential Nutrients

    • Suggested Serving Amounts

    • Vitamins and Minerals

    • Vitamins to be wary of in high doses

    • Antioxidants and Salvesterols

    • Fatty Acids

    • Prebiotics and Probiotics

    • Candida Albicans

    • Talking Poo

    • Digestive Enzymes and Hypochlorhydria

    • Nutrition for Organs


    • Home study Section 3

  • 4

    Allergies and Dietary Styles

    • Symptoms of allergies/intolerances/sensitivities

    • Classes and Causes of Allergies

    • Salicylates and Oxalates

    • Is My Food Draining My Energy?

    • Food Cravings

    • Types of Diets

    • The Low Down on Low Carb

    • Acid and Alkaline

    • Diets for Religion

    • Plant Based Diets

    • Body Typing


    • Home study Section 4

  • 5

    Special Nutritional Needs

    • Nutrition in Pregnancy

    • Nutrition for Toddlers

    • Nutrition for Adolecsents

    • Nutrition for the Elderly

    • Nutrition for Mental Health


    • Home study Section 5

  • 6

    Reading Labels and Looking after your Food

    • How to Read and Interpret Food Labels

    • Cooking and Storing Food

    • Food Additives


    • Home study Section 6

  • 7

    Nutrition for Common Diseases

    • Diabetes

    • Cardio-vascular Disease

    • Eating Disorders

    • Cholesterol

    • Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity

    • Obesity


    • Home study Section 7

  • 8

    Emotional Eating

    • Emotional Hunger V Physical Hunger

    • Eating When Not Physically Hungry

    • Why food?

    • Avoiding Overly Restrictive Diets

    • A Return to Physical Hunger

    • Meditation on Hunger

    • Diet talk and Affirmations

    • Summary

  • 9


    • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

    • Candida

    • Lifestyle analysis

    • Body Typing

  • 10

    Getting It Together

    • Putting your personal nutrition plan into action

    • Home study final

    • Congratulations

  • Learn a simple way to test which foods are draining your energy

  • Questionnaires to download for your lifestyle analysis and fun quizzes to maximize your learning

  • Hundreds of recipes to inspire you to cook right for your Body Type

What people have said about our courses!

Karen Perttula

"As a person who has struggled with weight and diets all my life, I finally feel clear on what I need to eat and why. The emotional eating section has given me a new look on diet and I am finally free of my struggle with food"

Vicky Marsay (Counsellor, former Midwife & mother of 5)

“I absolutely love and admire the enthusiasm and motivation Elizabeth has, both as a teacher and a practitioner. As her former student, I was inspired by Elizabeth's knowledge and dedication, together with her boundless energy in ensuring all her students reach their potential. I am thrilled to have access to Elizabeth’s wisdom at my fingertips”

Susanne Turner (Kinesiologist and Aromatherapist)

"This nutrition course was fascinating, insightful and fun. The knowledge I have gained has been invaluable in supporting me to deliver optimal outcomes for my clients. I LOVED the nutrition course!"

Margie Stone

"I have been a nurse for thirty years and have always had issues with my weight. Realising my body type helped me finally understand why I am the way I am, and gave me the tools to make positive changes in my life. I have a new level of self-awareness and self-acceptance"

Course written by Elizabeth Hughes BA (Hons)

Elizabeth originally studied with the British College of Nutritional Medicine and has subsequently attended numerous training courses in Nutrition. She is a qualified trainer and assessor and an approved training provider. She has studied many modalities including psychology, kinesiology, aromatherapy, nutrition and anatomy and physiology. She has run a private health centre and training school for over 25 years. Elizabeth is honored to share her knowledge and skills to educate and empower you to understand your nutritional needs.
photo of Elizabeth Hughes

Join Elizabeth Hughes as she shares her many years of experience as a therapist and teacher to help you understand that your body has the answer.